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Underground Punk Radio from Poland!
You will hear here an independent music, punk archives, records from '80s, '90s up to nowodays! Except that, you can also promote your band or check who is promoting with us!
Information about gigs, zines, records and everything what is connected with independent punk rock scene! Check our Facebook, YouTube and listen our crazy station!

Radio Underground broadcasts

Na warjackich Papierach


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Oi, Punk, Ska, Rock, Metal

W cztery Punka strony

19:00-21:00Second and the last Tuesday of the month

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19:00-21:00TZN Punk

Polish broadcast showing a punk rock music arround the World, from many countries. You will hear punk, rock'n'roll, ska, reggae and oi!

Muzyka Przeciwko Twoim Starym

19:00-21:00First and third Tuesday of the month

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19:00-21:00TZN Punk

Music Against Your Parents! Rock, punk, reggae, ska, oi!, rockabilly, psychobilly, indie, hardcore!

Ale Komiks!

20:00-20:30WednesdayEvery three weeks

Ale Komiks

20:00-20:30Marcin Smugły

I am taking you to the world of comics. I will talk about announcements, news and new publications.

6 Stóp Wolności

20:00-22:00ThursdayEvery two weeks

6 Stóp Wolności


A broadcast about news and classics of American punk, broadcast from overseas!

Liryczny Dealer

22:00-00:00ThursdayEvery two weeks

Liryczny Dealer

21:00-23:00Pan Nikt

Conversations with musicians and people from the music industry. We discuss the most interesting and important topics, we promote events, albums, projects and performers. We play the best music! Stay tuned, stay rebel!

Punkowe Przedszkole


Audycja Punkowe Przedszkole


You will hear punk archives, stories, news about concerts, new albums and sometimes even independent films.

Nocny Express Plus

21:00-21:30SundayEvery two weeks

Nocny Express

21:00-21:30Smugły & Adam

Within a few minutes you will get a bunch of amazing and crazy news from the World from last week :)


21:00-22:00SundayEvery two weeks


21:00-22:00Jacek & Jarek

Conversations on various topics, terrariums, books, films, sports, games.

Join us!

You can do your own broadcast on Radio Underground! Contact Us for more details!

Detailed information about broadcasts ▼

NA warjackich papierach
MONDAY 20.00-21.30

DJ: Warjat
Language: Polish
Genre: Oi, Punk, Ska, Rock, Metal
First broadcast happened: 03.01.2022

On this broadcast you will hear Oi, Punk, Ska, Rock, Metal, latest music news & reviews!

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DJ: TZN Punk
Language: Polish
Genre: Punk, rock'n'roll, ska, reggae and oi!
First broadcast happened: 11.06.2013

A broadcast proving that punk rock is not only the UK and our home country. Experience a journey around the world with us! Get to know the foreign independent scene, learn the history of its creation and check how it works today. TZN Punk plays both: punk rock and other musical styles, due to the fact that being a punk does not consist of sitting in one musical vat. Punk is open to new musical experiences. You will listen here history of the creation of the punk music scene and bands that are precursors of this movement. There will also be rock'n'roll, ska, reggae and oi! We invite you to the broadcast, every other Tuesday from 19:00 to 21:00.

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DJ: TZN Punk
Language: Polish
Genre: Rock, punk, reggae, ska, oi!, rockabilly, psychobilly, indie, hardcore, new wave, alternative
First broadcast happened: 17.03.2020

A broadcast aimed at infecting young listeners with music that is considered broad-rock'n'roll music! Because young people are the future of the nation, and rock'n'roll has always been a way to express youth's opposition to their parents' generation. The theme and playlist will be based on my musical experience from an early age, through adolescence, up to the present. So I think everyone will find something for themselves. Rock, punk, reggae, ska, oi !, rockabilly, psychobilly, indie, hardcore, new wave - just alternative music. The broadcast will take place on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 19:00 to 21:00 on the Punk Radio Underground. So I invite all people under 30 to listen to the program. No access for boomers!

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Wednesday 20.00-20.30

DJ: Marcin Smugły
Language: Polish
Genre: Information service
First broadcast happened: 19.06.2021

I am taking you to the world of comics. I will talk about announcements, news and new publications.

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THURSDAY 20.00-22.00

DJ: Miras z Massachusetts
Language: Polish
Genre: Punk USA
First broadcast happened: 02.09.2021

You will hear news and classics of American punk, broadcast overseas in Massachusetts. In the broadcast we also talk about another dimension of reality which is life in the USA and events that only take place in the United States. There are interviews with Polish bands playing Polish muse in America.

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THURSDAY 22.00-00.00

DJ: Pan Nikt
Language: Polish
Genre: Punk Alternative
First broadcast happened: 10.10.2016

Festivals in Jarocin: uncontrolled conversations, stories, accounts and music from the best years of the festival!

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SUNDAY 18.00-21.00

DJ: Adam
Language: Polish
Genre: Punk, archives, Post-Punk
First broadcast happened: 14.03.2010

A program strongly demoralizing and harmful to society! Intended for both young rebels and "old crew members". In it you will hear stories of punk bands, information about events, concerts, new albums and even independent films. Of course, there is no shortage of music, strange interviews and other crazy materials from the punkrock archives! Here you will find recordings from legendary Polish Festival Jarocin as well as the contemporary sound of the punk scene. News, concerts, punk archives and various music related topics.

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SUNDAY 21:00-21:30

DJ: Marcin Smugły &; Adam
Language: Polish
Genre: Information service
First broadcast happened: 13.11.2021

In just a few minutes we will present you with a handful of the most surprising, funny and amazing information from around the world!

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SUNDAY 21.00-22.00

DJ: Jacek & Jarek
Language: Polish
Genre: Conversations on various topics, terrariums, books, films, sports, games..
First broadcast happened: 07.04.2024

Two friends whose fate has made it difficult to communicate, meet in the virtual world to talk about life and matters important to them. They share passions for books, music, games and sports, as well as humor, childhood memories and creative souls. Join us as we find a little time in the rush of life to share our stories, reflections, creativity, as well as the difficulties that fate does not spare us - or anyone else.

Info o audycji
Polish Interviews
Promoted Albums

So far, 57 albums under our patronage have been released!

33 Trzysta - Niewolnik 33 Trzysta - Ucieczka Aberracja - Zaraza 20-22 Arbeit Kommando - Na Barykady! Bang Bang - Nasza Załoga Bang Bang - Ostatni Punkowiec Confront Stage - Not Human Cygański Wiatr - Pośmiertne Odznaczenie Defloracja - Koła Czasu Dekolt - Punk Rock For All De Łindows - Mamy Tylko Siebie De Łindows - Nie Wszystko Złoto HarmFool - Attack Koniec Listopada - Moloch Koniec Listopada - Neocoaching Kosa Śmierci - Nie Żyję Kosa Śmierci - Całe Miasto Śpi Kontrkultura - Paranoje Krzyki - The Best Korekta Kontrkultura - Wszystko już powiedziane Kultura Obszczymura Leśne Ludki - Gorszy??? Nauka o Gównie - Teraz Kurde My Nic Śmiesznego - Nihil Novi Nic Śmiesznego - Nihil Ridiculum Non Serviam - Bajka Overdrive - Koszmatfa P.C.K. - Ponad.jpg Polish Fiction - Stan Umysłu Polska Scena Punk Vol. 1 - Być zawsze sobą Polska Scena Punk Vol. 2 - Czy Pamiętasz Polska Scena Punk Vol. 3 - Trzeba Żyć Polska Scena Punk Vol. 4 - Wolność Polska Scena Punk Vol. 5 - Młodzi Gniewni Polska Scena Punk Vol. 6 - Zawyły Syreny Polska Scena Punk Vol. 7 - Stacja Warszawa Polska Scena Punk Vol. 8 - Hipokryzja i Zdrada Punk Brothers - Moje Ja Radioactive Rats - Rat Race Radioaktywny Świat - Wojna Światów RAN-OK - Trzy Akordy Darcie Mordy Smoleńsk - Coraz Bliżej Prawdy ST. Omer Strzęp Pieroński - Blade Światła Fabryk Strzęp Pieroński - Wszystko Zostaje w Rodzinie Strike You Down & The Bastard
Hardcore Punk Rock Unite
Szczecinski Zespol Dupa - Pan Demon i UM S.Z.U.M. - Demo The Kishones - Płyta Paździerzowa The Thinners - Jak Wyglądał Będzie Świat? Uliczny Opryszek - FC ST.Pauli Do Boju Uliczny Opryszek - Młodzież Punkowa 33 i 1/3 Uliczny Opryszek - Na Zawsze Punk 2 Uliczny Opryszek - Na Zawsze Punk 3 Uliczny Opryszek - Prałat Urząd Bezpieczeństwa - Rockdown Zemsta Nietoperza - Dzielą Nas

Promoted Bands

We are promoting 397 bands from 31 countries! Join us!

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We are broadcasting thanks to your support:

Anna D., Arrr i Sylwia, Czarna, Czochraj, Gesiu Cypherpunk, Gurcin, Igor, Junior, Kacu, Karolina K., Kilov, Kinder, Krzuch J., Macieja, Marek K., Mariusz K., Miras, Odif, Olka i Bełkot, OXI, Pasza, Radunia, T3tryk, Tesciowa Emilia, Volodymyr.

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